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Um, No?

Um, No?

Shemar Moore has been on my Nigga Please radar since he decided to host 'Soul Train'. It's bad enough I couldn't ever bring myself to watch that lip synching festival in the first place, but him hosting sealed the deal. Now they have some other guy on there who looks like a door-to-door encyclopedia pusher.

And I'm not even going to speak on that travesty he called a hairstyle in "Diary of a Mad Black Woman". Fuck, his hair being like that in the movie is enough reason to make a bitch mad by itself.

"Criminal Minds" Photocall

I don't know exactly what look Shemar is going for in these pictures. He looks like a fabulostic pirate to me. Those boots are screaming put-my-straight-to-DVD-ass-in-the-next-Pirates-of-the-Carribean-movie. I bet he wants to go plunder some "booty" right now . . .

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