I Just Want It To Be Over

Last night I decided to skip Star's chit chat with Larry King and laugh at Diddy try to train Dana Dane, Dannity Mayne, whatever and 'Run's House'. I'm so tired of hearing about her ass! Am I a bad person for not giving a damn? Because frankly, I don't.

Here's a great piece from the NY Post that pretty much sums everything up for me.

What else has she been lying about? Barbara Walters had to admit it - on national TV. Dame Barbara, the self-crowned queen bee of daytime television, is a big, fat, two-faced fibber. This may be a first for the boob tube. But an important principle was at stake. Namely - whose is bigger? Barbara Walters' ego? Or Star Jones Reynolds' mouth? . . .

Star Jones Reynolds committed the egregious sin of announcing Tuesday on the air - without Barbara's permission! - that she was leaving the "View." Later, she complained to "People" that she felt as if she'd been fired. Well, she was.

"We hoped . . . she would leave with dignity," Barbara said yesterday. "But Star made another choice." Barbara admitted she neglected to tell viewers that Star was on the outs - and her public defense of the formerly rotund Bridezilla was a sham. "It's been uncomfortable to pretend that everything is the same," she said. " 'The View' made Star a star," she added.

Not to be undone, Star took her shots on Ryan Seacrest's radio show. "It's a little shocking to me that Barbara feels betrayed," she said. "If anyone should feel betrayed it should be me! Barbara didn't have my back."

Only one thing is crystal clear:

Star Jones Reynolds is excruciatingly annoying. And difficult. And insufferable. And she should go.

And Barbara should get the hell out with her. (Star Jones illustration via The Gallery of the Absurd)

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