Jim Jones = America's Next Top Model

Hey gang it's a pretty slow day. How about some Dirt Angel news?

Pigpen took visit to a shrink for the March/April issue of King magazine. During his session with psychologist Dr. Jerilyn Kronoen he opened up about subjects ranging from his high school experience to family.

He also shared a 13 year old list that a childhood mentor asked him to compose displaying his best qualities (which include leadership and the ability to "dress his ass off") and ultimate goals. One of which just may shock you.

Kronoen: A model?

Jim Jones: Yeah, I wanted to be a model. Tear the runway up. Thought I was pretty [laughs]. Second on the list was to be a "top actor." Third was to buy my mom a house. Fourth was to open up a gas station and liquor store. Fifth was make it to heaven.

That's a nice list.

The model part--I don't like the word "sex symbol," but the ladies are on my side right now, so I think I've got number one. Number two, I'm actually going out to L.A. to film this movie--they told me not to audition because they had me in mind for the part. Number three was to buy mom a house, I did that. I haven't opened up a gas station, but I own my own liquor called Sizzurp. And to "make it to heaven," we'll still have to see about that one.

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