I'm Just Saying . . .

I will never understand what the big deal is with these two. Somebody please break it down Solange style for me because it simply cannot be that serious. You mention Reggie Bush in the same sentence as Kim Kardashian and momofucka's start hallucinating and speaking in tongues. He is cute but does he ejaculate sugar and spice and everything nice? Explain.

Look, if he is alright with his girl's snatch being plastered all over the internet like those damn smiley face ads then so am I. In my opinion they actually make a cute lil' couple. They're no Vanessa and Dabnis but whatever, true love like that is hard to find nowadays.

If I had one wish it would be for her not to lay there like a harpooned whale when he is smashing like she did Brandy's brother.

Anyway, Ok! magazine reported yesterday that Bush popped the question over the holidays but Kim's rep says "It's not true." Not that I believe anything her rep would have to say any way but alright.

Can we all please focus on the real hero of the Kardashian clan, Kim's beefy older sister Kourtney?

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