Bin Famemiss Strikes Again
Bin Famemiss Strikes Again
I have great news guys. Jade has landed a gig as a Kung Faux Girl Guardian! What the hell is she protecting them from, a paying job? I have no idea of how old these pictures are but they're still amusing to look at.
I refer to Jade as Bin Famemiss for a good reason. A lot of people know her as the chick from Jay-Z's "Change Clothes" clip but that is not her only video credit. Check her out dancing with Pharrell in Noreaga's vid for "Grimey." I never forget a face baby!
Life after America's Next Top Model is no cake walk. I could've sworn I saw Furonda stocking shelves at Save-A-Lot last month.
Oh yeah, I see you Melyssa!
via ONTD
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