Kenny Anderson = Dead Beat
Although the Lithuanian team Zalgiris Kunas, where salaries run between $750,000 and $1 million, picked up the Queens native in January, Anderson has not coughed up a dime of support money to his kids since then.
His first wife and the mother of two of his four daughters, Tami Roman, is furious.
Roman - who gained notoriety on Season 2 of MTV's "Real World" for having an abortion and getting a housemate kicked out - said Anderson hasn't paid his required $8,500 per month for his two daughters, Kenni, 10, and Lyric, 11, since May 2005.
She says he owes the children about $100,000. The girls, who do commercial acting and modeling, could be forced to drop out of their exclusive French academy next year if he doesn't pay, Roman said. "I sold my Cartier watch so they could finish school last year," she said. (Read entire article)
Tami did a good job of preserving her sexy. She is going to have Kenny on Sorry Ass Babydaddies in no time. In all fairness I do think they should level the playing field (if we simply must) and create a Sorry Ass Babymamas site. I know a couple of people I would submit, um hmm.
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