Burning Question of the Day: Do You Believe This Shit?

'Pumkin' off reality TV, but her spit added spice

"Reality TV is so not real," she said. While Thompson doesn't regret appearing on the show and wasn't looking for love with the eccentric, gold-toothed rapper, she was surprised to see some of the more salacious moments involving her to be trumped up. Of course, anyone who saw her exit from the show knows the incident where she spat in the face of fellow contestant "New York."

But guess what? It was staged -- and digitally enhanced, Thompson said.

"I do not spit on people," she said. She was told by producers that she would be leaving before the episode was filmed, and told her to give them a "big ending." She asked what kind of an ending they wanted, and they suggested spitting. So she spat, but not how it appears on screen.

"When girls spit, it goes everywhere," she said. Because she didn't produce an effective spray for the cameras, some special effects were added after the fact to make it seem more substantial, she said.
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This will make one hell of a science project for my cousin. Does spit travel in a single direction or spread out?

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