Look at these two decrepit, babygirl-do-you-know-who-I-am, pied piper ass mutafuckas right here. I remember back in the day my older cousins would faint in front of the television and pratically cream with delight over these two . . . now look at them. Aaron Hall's ass looks like he just got out of jail half a second ago, peep the glasses ya'll. I bet he goes home and sings "I Miss You" to the mirror about his looks. Keith Sweat looks like that brother at the bar who tries to convince everybody that he still is 29. I had to do a double take because I thought his ass was holding a brush so he can touch up his waves. Its a damn shame. If I didn't know any better I would think this was a photoshop trick, but I dont think anybody skills are this good. See more of these old school playas at CL. Guy, WTF?

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