Last night I played double dutch with my remote with BET and Fox as I attempted to watch The Ultimate Hustler and the Billboard Awards simultaneously. I wasn't able to dedicate as much time on Fox but I did catch a few moments that left me with the gas face.

- Uncle Ciara isn't as dope as people make her out to be. Without a doubt one of the most overrated artists in 2005. I think she did look nice though.

- Gwen Stefani rocked the crowd with her temporary ghetto pass dangling from her neck along with Slim Thug, who looked we.tall.did as usual. Needless to say the performance was not luxurious like Egyptian cotton.

- Kanye's acceptance speech started off as a heartfelt speech about his 90 year old Grandmother and quickly turned into another egotistical rant. But hey that's what we've come to expect out of him.

- Fresh from his national anthem (you gotta see that shit for yourself) performance, R.Kelly slow wined with some young ladies and then performed his Hurricane Katrina single at the end of the show. The icing on the cake was when he put his lighter up. You would've thought Richard Pryor was on the screen the way I bursted out laughing.

Anyways, The Ultimate Hustler has become my Tuesday main staple. As much shit as I may pop about Dame (mostly his wife) I must say that his antics are very entertaining to follow. Ray was booted from the show and I wasn't shocked at all. His rude, lying ways finally did him in. The season finale will air next week and the Ultimate Hustler will be announced.

+ Usher bomb hits Lions Gate profits via n0va slim, who always keeps me up on the latest in Hollywood!

+ Ashanti and Uncle Ciara need to shut it

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