Friends, Romans, Countrymen Lend Me Your Eardrums - -

Crunk and Disorderly is like my first born child. I've been here from the beginning watching it grow and develop into the success it has become today. I've very proud of my accomplishments thus far with this site. I've achieved a level of popularity among the black blog community in a matter of only six short months. I plan on expanding C&D in numerous ways with the coming new year. Sometimes I become so busy with trying to generate more buzz for that I tend to neglect it. I can't do it all by myself folks. Basically I'm looking for a group of bloggers to contribute to this monster. I need people who have are opinionated, have a passion for the hip hop pop culture, and willing to bring their A-game at all times. I plan on getting in contact with people who I think echo the thoughts and sentiments of myself. Like I previously mentioned this site is my baby and I'm not going to leave with a past sex offender to get molested everyday after school, ya feel me? Just know that you are being watched.

I also think that it is past due for a black gossip/hip hop affiliation to occur between many of us well-known sites. Sure we link to each other but do we actually take time out to applaud each other's efforts? Let's be real, a lot of bloggers who are popular have the mentality that it is all about them and their shit. There are tons of Caucasian celebrity gossip sites out there who stick together and webmasters are making some serious cake while they sit home eating their cheese sandwiches writing about the same shit as us. The only difference is they are smart enough to network together. Don't get it twisted or misconstrued though, Fresh does care about white people. Hell, if it wasn't for Cathy over at Cityrags referring me I wouldn't be on

We provide our readers with the same quality of news, gossip, and music reviews so why then do we act negative and bitter towards each other instead of making that money right quick? However I can expose another blogger or site to my audience I will. Shit ya'll see me drop links all the time, look around. I've never been the type of person who thought it was all about them. Whenever I can put another person on I feel as if I'm playing a small part of their success and thats good enough for me. But in the same breath I'm not going to be shouting out corny shit just to rub someone's back so they can do the same for me. Nullus.

I hope ya'll feel me cause this shit has got to stop. I just had to get this off of my dome and Pocarra's (that's the new word for big breasteses by the way). Just something to seriously think about.

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