Hey Ma Look, My Email Made It In XXL

Remember a few months back when I complained about Kaine of the Ying Yang Twins being the epitomy of ignorance? Well I decided to send the good people at XXL a quick email:

I've been an avid reader and fan of the magazine from day one, but ya'll totally lost me on the last issue. I only have two words to say about the Train of Thought with Kaine: nigga please. Is this guy serious? This moron said that "no woman is excluded in what he's talking about." So what about his mother? Grandmother? Hmmm, guess they're some hoes too. To me, it just sounds like he's trying to justify is own misognistic lyrics.

I never thought for a second my 45 second composed email would actually get published. Ha! I guess someone felt what I was saying.

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