Edit / / Hey gang, got an update for you. Apparently the internet hoodrat who has been invading the comments section lately has a blog of her own. Big surprise huh? Maybe somebody is desperate for hits, no? It seems as a few people got their panties in a bunch over the cyber thug psa. A hit dog will always holler. So to the cyber thuggette in question I will say this: I'm not going to give you the satisfaction of receiving site visits from my folks.

Its not that serious. This is the fucking internet. You claim to be grown but you're hiding behind your keyboard instead of grabbing a hold of life.

Dear Cyber Thugs,

Thinking about leaving negative anonymous comments? Thats a hell to the nah here at C&D. If you don't like this site is then don't visit. Its just that simple. It's almost like giving a television program you can't stand ratings. Doesn't make sense at all. So if I want to call a black person a negra or a Caucasian a cracka ass cracka then that's my say so.

Haloscan is now in effect. I encourage you to think twice before you post. Negative comments will get you banned from this site. Point blank period.

I'll take your ass down to Chinatown like Whitney baby.

Love Always,


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