Buzz Notes Quickie

Shar Jackson Looks To' Da Fuck Up
First she comes to her daughter's birthday party looking like she just escape from rehab now this. Why in the blue fuck would you wear a shirt that says 'ugly' on it? Maybe I preserve my sexy too damn much for my own good but this is ridiculous. Somewhere Quentin and Britney are laughing.

Pharrell Is The Best Dressed Man in the World
Esquire magazine's second annual list of the Best Dressed Men in the World is headed this year by hip-hop hit-maker Pharrell Williams of the Grammy-winning production duo The Neptunes. Other negroids who round out the top ten list are Jay-Z (#10), Andre 3000 (#5), and Kanye West (#3).

And By The Way. . .
If I ever become HIV positive, I want to look like Magic Johnson. He is the only person I know who is HIV positive and gains about seven pounds every year. I betcha Cookie still hits it.

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